Piper and I got up early to run in the 2nd annual Race Down Memory Lane Family Fun Run at Shelby Farms. I had two Nutri-Grain bars and a glass of milk for breakfast. Piper had a bowl of Lucky Charms.

We arrived around 7:30a and parked the car, then walked back down to the visitor's center to pick up our packets. Piper had chosen to wear a pink ballerina's tutu along with a pink shirt and her pink New Balance 992's. Needless to say her outfit was a hit among the crowd. After getting out packets we put them back in the car along with her hat and purse. We then sat on the swing and relaxed before the race. In the picture you can see her alligator. The aligator wanted to come running with us.
The 10k race started at 8am and the Family Run started about 10 mins later. We sat and watched as the runners of the 10k began their race.

Along the way we passed the American Bison Range and had to stop and feed them. There were about 40-50 all grouped together.We saw 5 babies.
Here is Piper crossing the finish line. We have no idea what our time was. We weren't running for time anyway, just for fun and to have an adventure out at Shelby Farms. Piper was our official timer person. She wore my watch and we set it to :45 secs repeating intervals. Every :45 secs it would beep for :05 secs. We would run when it beeped and walk when it stopped beeping. We did that for 20 or so minutes and then we were just wandering around picking flowers and feeding Bison.

Afterwards there was a pizza party and we had lots of pizza! It was a fun morning at the park and we had a great time together. She and I are looking forward to the next running race so we can participate and have a good time.

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