Thursday, June 11, 2009

Race against myself

I ran 5 miles yesterday at the Bert Fergusen park trail, here in
Cordova. I like that trail because it's marked at exactly one mile. I
did a tempo run and did pretty good I think. I certainly felt good
while running. I ran a 12:17 first mile to warmup using a 2/1 run/
walk. I ran the first mile of the tempo at 10:52 without walking. I
thought that I could do better than that and pushed a little bit to do
the second mile in 9:30. I always strive for negative splits with my
5ks and pushed even harder for mile three. I had to walk three times
during the third mile, which I kept to only 30 seconds each and still
finished it in 9:11. I then did a cool down mile in 12:30.

My routine has been to ice my feet afterwards followed by elevating
them. My feet didn't feel swollen or were hurting but I iced them

I feel pretty good about the Gibson Guitar 5k on Saturday. It should
be a good crowd and looks like a challenging course around South
Downtown Memphis. Mile 2.75-3 are up Beale St from the river so that
should be fun. Even with the hills I'm going to once again try to run
the 5k in 30 minutes or less.

In the past when I'd tell people that I race mountain bikes, or road
bikes or now participate in road running races that I'm not
competitive and don't do it to beat other people. I now realize that I
am competitive, against myself. If I can meet or exceed my times on a
bike or while running I'm a happy person. I like seeing my times and
distances get further and further.

I guess that's why I've been working towards completing a marathon.
I've done a half marathon, St Jude 2007. I've ridden my bike on
several centuries (100 miles) and more.

What will await me after the marathon?


  1. I am always running against myself and yes that definitely makes you competative. Good luck with the 5k

  2. Chris,

    I fly for Northwest (the NEW Delta, blah blah). I often have overnights near the Toronto airport and stay at the Holiday Inn Select in Mississauga. Most of our layovers are short but sometimes we have 18-20 hrs to stay and I try to get out and run. I've gone to downtown Toronto and wandered around quite a few times and really like the city.

    I ve hathought about doing the Toronto Half in October. By then I'll be training for my first full marathon the St Jude Marathon in December.
